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10 Fascinating Facts About Doctor Strange You Probably Didn’t Know.


Death, Entropy, Infinity and Eternity


Before the creation of the universe itself, there were 6 singularities that existed. These were Space, Mind, Reality, Power, Soul and Time. 

Once the creation of the universe began, these singularities were converted into 6 individual stones by the cosmic entities, which resided before the creation of everything.
There are 4 main primordial, cosmic beings.
  • Death
  • Entropy
  • Infinity
  • Eternity

It was these four EXTREMELY powerful entities that created the infinity stones.
Only beings of incredible power can use these stones. 
Initially they were used by the celestials to bring judgement over planets. 
This was actually depicted in the first guardians of the galaxy movie where we saw Eson the searcher using the power stone to destroy worlds.

The infinity stones are among the most powerful relics in the whole of the Marvel universe. Each stone grants their user complete control over the singularity that they represent.

If anything which binds Marvel Cinematic Universe, is Infinity Stones
Marvel Studios had previously mentioned us that Infinity Stones were the center of attraction of Marvel Movies.


Space Stone

Space Stone is in the Tesseract Cube
and it was first seen in the Captain America: The First Avenger.
Space Stone or Tesseract Cube had been in a church in Norway for centuries
But Red Skull steals Tesseract in 1942.
and makes dangerous weapons
In fact, the Space Stone can actually control space.
That's the reason why Red Skull gets teleported when Tesseract opens a portal.

Later on, S.H.I.E.L.D. gets its hand on Tesseract and SHIELD plans to make weapons from it too.
But Tesseract opens another portal through which Loki comes on Earth.
and Loki again opens a portal above Stark Tower using this stone
so that Chittauri army can attack Earth
But when Avengers defeats Loki, Thor brings Loki back to Asgard using Space Stone.
This Space Stone was then given to Thanos by Loki in infinite war to spare Thor's life.

Mind Stone

Mind Stone was in Loki's Scepter Although, we had no idea about that, Mind Stone was first seen in Avengers.
Thanos gave the scepter to Loki so he could lead the Chittauri Army.

Mind Stone can control one's mind.
That's why Loki left his scepter with Avengers so that they could fight with one another under the influence of Mind Stone. 
That's the reason why Bruce Banner picks up the scepter at once.
Due to Loki's negligence, the scepter stays on Earth.
After that, we got to know that Wanda and Pietro maximoff gets their superpowers through Mind Stone in Captain America: The Winter Soldier's mid-credit scene from which they became Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.
But we got aware of the real power of Mind Stone in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
When Tony Starks tries to create Ultron, an artificial intelligence and Ultron creates Vision by using Mind Stone.
From that, we know that Mind Stone can create a mind and can destroy it as well.
It was further ripped of from the vision forehead by thanos to use it in the gauntlet.

Reality Stone

Reality Stone can control reality as per his name that's why it's the only stone which doesn't look like a stone.
It is known as Aether.
Aether was first seen millions of years ago when Malekith tried to darken the whole universe.
But Thor's grandfather Bor cannot let that happened.
after defeating Malekith, he hides Aether in between the worlds so that no one could find it.
But later on, Jane Foster finds Ether.
through which she got infected as well
Thor draws Ether out from Jane's body befooling malekith but malekith befooled Thor and absorbs Ether.
Afterward Thor, after defeating malekith somehow, he takes Aether To the collector as the two Infinity Stones should not be keep nearby.
This stone was further taken by thanos by destroying collectors planet.

Power Stone

Power Stone can only be used by powerful being and it is so dangerous that even a planet could be destroyed.

Power Stone is in an Orb which was first seen in Planet Morag where Peter Quill finds it.
Later on, it got captured by Ronan.
who intimidates Thanos.
Thereafter, Guardians hand it over to NOVA Corps protecting it from Ravagers and Ronan.
And further thanos takes the stone by destroying there whole planet.

Time Stone

As per its name, Time Stone can control time
Time Stone also known as Eye of agamotto was first seen in Doctor Strange under the possession of Ancient One.
but Doctor Strange wears it as necklace later by using Time Stone Doctor Strange protects Earth when dormammu comes to captivate it
but after then Doctor Strange puts Time Stone back to Kamartaj when Wong suggests him to do so.
Time Stone's power is much more dangerous than any other Infinity Stone.
It was later used by dr strange in infinite war against thanos where hi hands it over to the thanos to save Tony's life.

Soul Stone

Adam Warlock possess Soul Stone in comics.
One can be resurrected using this stone and alive people can be killed.
In movie it was kept on the planet vormir under the watchful eye of the Red Skull, before Thanos came to the planet in search of it and had to tragically sacrifice his beloved daughter Gamora to obtain it.

If we missed any detail or if you guys know any new fact about Infinity Stones then do let us know in the comment section.

Did you want to know how these stone's work where they get the power to do so?
Next blog on this is on the way....

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